School Menu

Our menu works on a three week cycle. Each day there are options of a main course and a vegetarian main course. A hot pudding is also available as well as fruit.

Bunwell Primary School Menu

Lunch Menu

Frequently asked questions

How much do school dinners cost?

School dinners are free for children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. For all other children, they cost £2.50.

How do I order lunches?

Lunches are ordered online through WisePay. There is also a link on the homepage under ‘useful links.’

What are the options for school dinners?

Every day there is a meat and a vegetarian option. The hot dinners all come with the option of a cooked pudding or fruit.

When do I need to order lunches?

School dinners must be ordered by 10pm on Sunday evening for the next but one week. If you forget, you will be asked to bring a packed lunch for your child for the week.