About the Nursery
In January 2020, Bunwell Primary School welcomed three year olds into its Early Years classroom for the first time.
Research shows that having access to high quality early years provision has a significant impact on life chances for children and improves future outcomes. Alongside educational outcomes, there are wider benefits to families as early years provision can offer an opportunity to access effective early help. At Bunwell, we believe our Early Years provision provides our children with these high quality educational experiences.
Our nursery children are integrated into the main school day, and work alongside the Reception children and access the Early Years curriculum.
Children are able to start the term after they are three. If you would to like to come and have a look at what we offer, please contact the school office to make an appointment or look out for one of our regular open mornings.
New Parent Information
Deciding on the school to send your child to is a big decision, we have put together some information which we hope will give you an idea of what our Early Years classroom is like. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch.