Our Vision & Ethos

Our Trust shares the same co-operative ethos and values which are translated in to school life as C.A.R.E.


Our children will have their self esteem nurtured to enable them to be happy in themselves and achieve their full potential. We will ensure children are confident in their ability.

We will ensure they are able to recognise the areas in which they are not as strong, and are confident in their strategies for progressing. Our children will be given the opportunity to speak in a variety of contexts and to a variety of audiences.

Able to meet future challenges

Our curriculum, both inside and outside the school day, will give the children the skills they need to take to secondary school and beyond. We will encourage them to have aspirations and ambitions, to ‘dream big dreams’. Our children will not only learn to ask questions but to research answers, analyse information and question plausibility. We will prepare our children for a world that is changing technologically every day. Our children will understand the value of money, be organised and know how to keep themselves safe and healthy.

Responsible members of the community

Our children will be encouraged to be respectful, polite and tolerant of others regardless of their differences, both within and outside of our school community. Our children will be kind and considerate. They will be able to work in teams, and communicate their ideas effectively. They will recognise their place in the variety of communities they are a part of.

Older children will be role models for younger children. Their tolerance and consideration will enable them all to make friends happily with all groups, and to deal with disagreements in a sensible way. Our children will be proud of their school, their wider community and the part they play within those.

Effective Learners

We will foster in our children their love of learning, promote their independence and encourage them to ask questions. We will challenge children to ‘have a go’ and ensure they are not afraid of trying new things or of making mistakes. We will enable them to recognise the value in listening to other people and celebrate their achievements. Above all, our children will be motivated to try their best.

Our Classes

We have four, mixed ages classes at Bunwell.

Ladybirds (Nursery/Reception)

Early Years

View Class

Hedgehogs (Y1/2)

Year 1 & Year 2

View Class

Badgers (Y3/4)

Year 3 & Year 4

View Class

Foxes (Y5/6)

Year 5 & Year 6

View Class